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7 great biology topics for a research paper

Biology research papers have been written on some of the most interesting topics. Finding a good topic depends on personal interest and knowledge. A few great topics may relate to what is currently trending in the news or natural phenomenon’s that continue to puzzle some of the most prominent researchers in the field. While there are a number of great topics to choose from, it helps to narrow down a few ideas to help you work toward a favorable topic. Consider the following 7 topics for your next biology research paper.

  1. Abortion. What happens during an abortion procedure? How was the abortion pill developed and how does it work within the body? Does the woman getting the abortion experience any effects after the procedure is completed?
  2. What happens to the human body as we age? What factors have shown evidence they speed up or slow down the aging process? What happens in the brain when a person has symptoms of Alzheimer’s or Dementia?
  3. Why do people have allergies? How do symptoms vary from a food allergy verse an allergy caused by plants, trees or pollen? What are some of the most effective treatments for allergies? What were some of the earliest forms of testing for treatment options before modern solutions were developed we know today?
  4. Alternative health or alternative healing. Is it true that laughing can help people feel better? Will mental conditions such as depression or ADHD benefit from alternative health treatment options? How has marijuana played a role in helping people obtain some form of relief from a medical condition?
  5. Fertility treatments and birth control. How many forms of birth control are there and which ones have been proven to be most effective? What happens when fertility drugs are used? Do birth control pills help or hurt a woman’s menstruation cycle? Why are birth control pills known for helping women experience less acne and reduced menstrual symptoms?
  6. The perception of color. How is it that two or more people can look at an object and not agree it is the same color? What does it mean to be color blind? What does fall foliage do the brain and how does it affect the way we feel?
  7. Emotions. How does a person experience so many different emotions? Where does it come from within the body and how were they first discovered?

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