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Selecting Research Paper Topics On Development: Tips & Examples

Development is a great subject for a research paper because there are so many things you can talk about. When selecting a topic, there are so many different ways you can go. There are always the obvious topics which you could use but will not have as much impact and then there are the less usual topics that get people thinking about the parts of development that people often don’t think about at all. Just make sure your research is thorough and solid in its facts and try to make it as interesting as possible.


  • Go with unusual topics
  • Pick one that interests you
  • Be specific

Go with Unusual Topics

If you pick something unusual to go with then, your paper will stand out. Many of your classmates might be going with classic childhood development, but yours will stand out because it is not the typical idea to use. These topics are also more interesting to read about than the ones we know some things about already.

Pick One That Interests You

If you choose one, that holds interest for you then you will have more enthusiasm for it. This makes research easier along with the writing itself. If you are interested in it then you can make others interested in it too. It is a lot easier to work with one that you like simply because if you don’t like it you will be less likely to want to do the work.

Be Specific

When choosing what you will be writing about, it is better to go narrow then to go broad. Early childhood development is broad while emotions in early childhood development are narrower. The narrower you go the more specific you can be about what you are talking about. This allows you to draw interest to one specific area of the subject that may not be well known.


  • Failure to thrive
  • The love map
  • How two kids brought up in the same environment can be so different
  • How your parents’ marriage affects you
  • How violence effects development

All of these tips and examples are a good place to start looking for ideas on what to do and what to do it on. Choosing the center idea of your paper can be difficult, especially when you are given such a broad and encompassing subject with which to work. This information should help guide you in the right direction.

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