term paper help

Step-by-step tutorial on how to make term paper outline

Working on the outline for your term paper makes a lot is sense as the outline forms the basis for the whole piece of work. If the out line does not flow logically then the chances are hat you paper will not flow either, and its easier to make changes to an outline than rewrite the paper.

  1. Keep in mind that a term paper is in effect a report on a particular subject that you have covered in your course. You may be asked to produce a term paper as part of a piece of course work and in a lot of cases the grade your achieve in your term paper will count towards your overall grade.
  2. Check through the instructions provided by your tutor. Work out a timescale for your work and recheck the deadline for handing in your work.
  3. Choose your topic. This is probably the most difficult stage. The Topic you choose has to meet the following criteria:
    • it should be a topic that you are going to enjoy writing about.
    • it should be topic that you have an interest in.
    • it should be a topic that meets the approval of your tutor.
  4. Decide on your thesis. Remember that your thesis for a term paper can be either a statement or a question.
  5. If your topic meets all your criteria, you are now ready to start your research. While looking for books, articles and websites, make sure that you are keeping a note of all the sources. You can either do this be using a project diary (simple notebook that is dedicated to this project), or start making a bibliography page (this will save you a lot of time later). Check the referencing format that you need to use.
  6. You should now be ready to start creating your outline. You need to follow the usual format of :
    • Introduction - outline you topic and how it relates to your thesis.
    • Body - the facts. Make sure that you supply arguments for and against your thesis. This should be balanced, so if you use 3 point to support your thesis, you should provide three points to refute it.
    • Conclusion a summary and any implications or resolutions that apply to the paper.
  7. Now you have a broad outline to your paper, you are ready to start on your first draft. Whilst working on this, you may find that you need to work on some changes to your original outline.

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