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Composing Original Microbiology Research Paper Topics

If you are writing about microbiology you need to first find a great topic and then begin the process of note taking and writing.

Finding Topics

For microbiology, consider the topics below. These may be used as they are, or you can use them as a stepping stone to figuring out a more creative topic that fits your course requirements or project requirements:

  • Write about recent discoveries and the flu vaccine shortages
  • Write about how antibiotic resistance can be prevented
  • Write about bioterrorism and the pathogenesis of anthrax
  • Write about pathogens and the link they have to chronic diseases such as Crohn’s disease
  • Write about emerging infectious diseases such as Mad cow disease or SARS
  • Write about epidemiology and how to track food borne pathogens
  • Write about bacteria and your body and the recent focus on probiotics
  • Write about biotechnology and gene therapy
  • Write about pathogens and their links to malignancy including cervical cancer and Papilloma virus.

Once you have decided upon a topic it is up to you to begin taking proper notes while you conduct research applicable to your topic. So how is this done? Keep reading…

Taking Proper Notes

  • Taking notes while you conduct research for your paper is essential. You need to mark down the information you find which contributes to your topic. You need to write only that which contributes. Otherwise you will become bogged down with useless statistics that only cloud your topic. So what steps can you take or what measures can be employed to ensure you take proper notes?
  • Color code your notes using different highlighters. Color code them based on essential ideas, supporting evidence, etc… this will help you to wade through details and larger points.
  • If you find a page from a book or a single article that is too valuable, with far too much information to write down on a single note card, photocopy that page. Highlighters are important here because you can then highlight information on the photocopy that you want to remember when it comes time to write the research paper.
  • Each time you take a note down, write down the necessary bibliographical information. Make sure to note the page numbers you used too. This is often the small aspect that students forget and then they cannot properly cite items in text.

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