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Useful Suggestions on How to Write a Research Paper Abstract

Abstract is a very concise summary of a research paper that you may need to include in your work. To create a good abstract, you should write it after you finish the original work. This way, you will know exactly what to include in this piece.

Concise is the term that defines any kind of abstract, regardless of whether it’s attached to a research report or a literary article. This means that you should focus on wording your thoughts in the best way possible and use minimum words to do so. The following suggestions should help you with this:

  • Start with discussing the requirements the abstract must meet with your professor. It can be either informative or descriptive. The difference will determine your writing style.
  • You also need to find out the word limit that must be met and any other special requirements.

  • Re-read your paper to refresh the main points in your mind.
  • Summarize every section with 1-2 sentences.
  • Re-read the sentences to make sure they contain all the necessary information.
  • Edit the abstract to meet the requirements.

Descriptive and Informative Abstracts

Understanding the difference between descriptive and informative abstracts is imperative if you want to write a good piece. These works are very similar, but if you mix them, your grade will suffer.

Informative Abstract:

  • They are mostly used in science psychology and engineering papers.
  • Average size of this abstract is about 200 words.
  • Informative abstracts should include: background information, purpose of the research, description of methods used by the researcher, results, and conclusion.
  • Every section should take 1-2 sentences.
  • The purpose of this abstract is informing the reader of the most important points that will be explained in the paper.

Descriptive Abstract:

  • These abstracts are commonly used in papers on humanities and social science.
  • Usual size of a descriptive abstract is about 100 words.
  • There are four main parts that make up this work: background information, purpose, focus of the paper and contents overview.
  • Its main focus is to describe the objectives of the project.
  • A descriptive abstract never includes information about research methods, results of the study and conclusions.

In Conclusion

Try to avoid using jargon when writing an abstract. This piece of your paper should address general audience. This means that you will need to make the work easy to understand even to people who have no prior knowledge of the field.

Don’t go for elaborate writing in this part of your work. Using short, simple and to-the-point sentences will be the best approach.

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